Uncategorized Chichen Itza – Pre Columbian city built by Maya people | Archeological site located in Tinum, Mexico
Uncategorized Mystery Bermuda Triangle; The Devil’s Triangle; Loosely defined region in Northwest Atlantic Ocean
Uncategorized Colosseum; Wonder of the world; Oval amphitheater located in Rome, Italy and Constructed in 80 AC
Uncategorized Macho Piccho, built in 15th century, located in southern Peru on a 7,970 feet mountain ridge
Uncategorized Christ the Redeemer designed by French Sculptor Paul, built by Brazilian Engineer Heitor, 1922 – 1931
Uncategorized Petra, Inhabitants of Nabataeans | Historic and Archaeological City in Southern Jordan.
Uncategorized Bangladesh: Introduction, history and current political, economical and demographic situation.
Uncategorized Motorways; Economic Corridor; Network of multiple-lane, High-speed, Controlled-access Highways